The Perfect Christmas Gift

By Stephen Phinney

On Christmas eve, we received a special delivery FedEX at our front door from an anonymous individual from another state.  The "mysterious" envelope immediately captured our attention.  I open it, began reading the enclosed letter silently, then quickly realized this was a letter to be read a loud - so I did, as my wife and daughter listened.  The letter quickly brought my wife to tears and rendered me speechless!  We simply could not believe what we were reading, let alone attempt to embrace the fullness of the gift enclosed.  

We soon realized that we were the recipients of one of the greatest gifts to all of mankind - that of Body Life.  

Even with taking the risk of offending this anonymous giver, we believe God wants us to share the story with you.  Here is the letter we received:  

Dear Phinney Family,

God works in such wonderful ways, I was sitting alone in a hallway (at school) thinking about the homework I had to finish up, when suddenly He placed a gentle thought into my head. “What could I do to help someone out this Christmas?” I looked down at my wrist and I was wearing several bracelets each saying something that represented my likes and what I believed in.

Then it hit me! I had an idea to sell bracelets that meant something to people and then in turn give all the money to a family in need as a Christmas gift. But what family needs some extra money this Christmas? I sat there in the hallway thinking and praying, when suddenly my phone vibrated. I had received a text about a family who was having trouble this Christmas with their bills. I knew then that God was dropping a little hint into my heart. So, I raced home and excitedly explained my idea to my family. The idea was approved and I began my plan of action.

First I ordered several bracelets (placing the order at high priority); I only had 15 days till Christmas to make a little money for a special family. Second, I threw a party at my house and invited all my friends to support me in this crazy endeavor. I couldn’t have done this without my family and friends. They all bought so many bracelets and donated so much money I was overwhelmed with all their giving spirits! Then I asked my boss to let me promote them at my work and he said yes! The last thing I did was gathered some of my friends and siblings and headed to the mall to sell some bracelets out front in the entrance. There were eight of us that day trying to sell bracelets and we managed to sell almost eight bracelets before we were kicked off mall property! We even had to check with security before we could enter the property to shop. That was just the funny part of the story, I haven’t even told you the beautiful parts yet!

The man at the mall donated $20 and he said: “Hey, it’s not my money, its God’s money.” Another man heard of your family’s story and he told his pastor. The pastor then in turn made an announcement on Sunday about the bracelets and your family’s need. My own mom bought enough bracelets to put at least one in every Christmas card she sent out. A young thirteen year old girl watched us sell bracelets at the mall for ten minutes and realized she wanted to help out. I asked two twelve year old boys who came into my work if they wanted to help a family out this Christmas and they said, “Well, yeah!” As if “no” was not an answer. I told another lady at my work and without hesitation she handed me $20! My brother bought a couple bracelets and donated $50 and my Grandparents donated $25. My health teacher was so touched by the idea he bought a few as well.

The stories of people wanting to help out this Christmas were beautiful and we owe it all to our Savior Jesus Christ. He came to earth for one purpose, us. Then we in turn can put on His incredible love and share it with the people around us.

Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. (Colossians 3:14 NASB)

Phinney family, you are dearly loved!

Merry Christmas,
The people who put on “The Bond of Perfection

Enclosed in this "Bond of Perfection" envelop were two money orders; one for the amount of $360 and the other for $500.  Please don't misunderstand us, we are eternally thankful for each and EVERY gift we receive but this gift reminded my entire family of the overwhelming sovereignty of God and His supreme control over His children.  After the blessing of making it through one of the most difficult years in over 30 years of ministry - we needed this profound reminder.

I was reminded that there is a law operating in the spiritual realm that necessitates problems, needs and demands.  God only supplies when there is a need.  Why should He supply when there is NO need?  In the law of aerodynamics, the need brings about the supply.  As the airplane speeds down the runway the friction and antagonism of the wings moving through the air raise the giant "burden" into the air - almost like it is a miracle.  My point - need creates a higher law of dynamics and our great need this past year put us in the position of watching God do only something He can do, use a "boat load" of people to supply our needs!

Thank you God for the reminder that whatever is really needed is supplied.  We also thank you for our times of desperation and for clarifying the deference between panic and praise.  We now know that our desperation over this past year was to bring us to admission, once again, in our total dependence on You.  We are overwhelmingly blessed by the family, friends, acquaintances and strangers of the person who responded to the text of this unknown person.  You are truly a God who can do anything you want - just because you can! 

Bless this young person who responded to Your call and touch each and every giver with the reward of spiritual contentment.  I ask that they would prosper in all of their ways and particularly in the manner that will grow them up in the intimacy and closeness of our Savior, Lord and Husband Jesus Christ. 

We obviously do not know who sent the text, spear headed the giving project or who the family, friends and strangers who gave to bless us BUT we are eternally thankful!  If any of you read our blogs or weekly e-mails, please forward our thanks to those who God used.  We would appreciate it immensely. 

We have provided a link for readers to gain access to the letter through a PDF printable file.  Please feel free to open, save/print and send this letter to anyone who doubts God's faithful promise to supply the needs of each of His children. 

Thank you for allow us to share this Perfect Christmas Gift with you.

To download the "Bond of Perfection" letter:  click here

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