By Stephen Phinney

A fact I do not publicize very often is that I was given a “lifetime” status of “World Peace Ambassador” to the United Nations.  It came with my service to President George W. Bush regarding the Faith-Based Initiative.  Needless to say, I am a bit embarrassed by it, although there have been a few benefits to this status.

Recently, I became educated about the details and alarming growth of a “treaty” President Clinton signed with the UN (United Nations) during his presidency.  This treaty poses a serious threat both to parental rights and US sovereignty, as well as, to public and private education. The UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) dictates not only that the federal government must intrude into the family sphere to an unprecedented degree, but also how the federal government is to monitor and govern the actions of our families through the US Department of Education (phase one implemented in 2010). Parental rights would be replaced by "the best interests of the child" as defined, ultimately, by an 18 member international committee appointed by the UN, in Switzerland.

One of the grave misunderstandings of George W. Bush was his “No Child Left Behind” project, which by the way, was for the strict purpose of derailing Clinton’s approval of the UNCRC. This is why his wife, current Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, wrote the book It Takes a Village to Raise A Child. The unofficial plan is that when she becomes President, her administration will incorporate the UNCRC as the US standard of reporting child rights and will move forward with the new UN Child Curriculum.  Since her husband’s signature, the UNCRC plan has been adopted by every nation in the world except for two; the United States is one of them, thanks to President Bush.  Question: If President Clinton signed the “treaty,” why is the US one of the two who has not adopted the full plan?  Answer: It must be ratified (given formal approval).  This is why there is still time.

Nations, which have ratified the UNCRC, must make an initial report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child within two years of ratification. They must then report to and appear before the Committee every five years to measure their progress on implementation of the Convention. This is why public schools are being pressured to place “documentation above education.”  All this is prep work in order for the US to ratify the UNCRC. The Committee responds to the country reports with observations and suggestions for continued implementation of the UNCRC.

What the UN is not telling the nations is that they have a school curriculum coming that will replace all National Standardized Government School Education.  This curriculum is designed to place every child in the entire world on one single educational learning track.
It is so easy to blow this off as “blah, blah, blah.” But the truth being said, it will affect every American citizen whether they care about family life or not.  This plan will affect every public and private school, homeschools, every parent, grandparent, child care worker, and any human who has contact with children.  In many countries today, thousands of school teachers and parents have been arrested for upsetting children or “coming against the rights of a child.”  This is a serious crisis our country is facing.  (Learn More: parentalrights.org )  
So really - what is the purpose of the home?  The home has always been the foundation of a learning center, place of warm hospitality, center of creativity, a nursing center, and ministry headquarters.  When the world, the flesh, and the devil attack this command center, all “hell” breaks loose on the heart of the church. 

Most think of “homeschoolers” when the home is referenced as a “learning center.”  The truth of the matter is the concept of “homeschooling” is no older than the American hippy.  On the other hand, the home being viewed as a center for learning has been around since Adam and Eve. 
If and when the family functions as the Holy Scriptures are laid out, the basic ingredients of learning are already present.  Some of these qualities are acceptance, security, modeling, discipline, organization,  consistency, and the structure of the church. 
When learning in and from the home is related to living everyday life and is carefully motivated by planned and unplanned activities, we have the makings of a real to life school.  The home as a learning center is to be viewed as teaching our children every moment of each day – not just when the public school bell rings.
"You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up”  (Deut 6:7, NASB). 
When parents “farm out” their teaching responsibilities to strangers, they are sure to get strange teachings.  Plus, this not only is a confession of ignorance, they lose their prerogative to communicate with their children, love on them, and grow them up into the ways they so desire.  I cannot think of anyone who knows the needs of a child better than the parents of that child.  Since over 50% of our children grow up in a one parent home, this privilege is fading more and more into the sunset of the yesteryears.  Therefore, I will speak to those parents who are interested in capturing every moment they can with their children.
God has blessed children with His gifting before they are born.  It is the parents’ responsibility to lead the child to Christ in order for the Holy Spirit to awaken these gifts to be used for God.  He has also blessed children with a type of faith that is simple, pure, and a model for even those who have been selected to go to Heaven.
"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven”  (Matthew 18:3, NASB).
Through these gifts, the parent is to assist the child in extracting the character qualities of Christ. They also help the child practice these qualities until Christ is empowered in them to do it through them. 
Each child needs to learn to stand in his faith as an individual by the ripe age of thirteen.  Yes, I said thirteen.  Hebrew manners and laws require of the parents to have their child ready for adult transfer between 10 and 13.  That does not mean the child leaves the home.  It just means the parent has trained the child in the basics of life.  Statistics show us today that your average age of departure from the parent is between 25 and 30 years of age.  There certainly seems to be something wrong with that picture. 
Children need the ability to stand in their faith, alone if need be, at an early age.  This way the child can stand up to the attacks of the enemy when the parents are not around to protect them.  If should be every parent’s desire to have their children born-again at an early age and to be equipped to allow Christ to live in and through them.  This is difficult to accomplish if the child is being educated outside of the home – possible, but very difficult.
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