By Stephen Phinney

Christians who truly have this gift feel compelled by the Lord to lead lost souls to Him. It does not matter where they are; they constantly are sharing and attempting to lead strangers, family, and friends to Jesus. They seem to have the supernatural ability to communicate the Gospel. Even the verses they remember are “Salvation” Scriptures. Their concern for the lost and dying generation is evident to all those around them. They typically support ministries that are involved in soul winning. Those with the gift of EVANGELISM desire to have the message of the Gospel mentioned in every message they hear.

Those with this gift are mission minded. They are always ready to give an answer regarding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When talking with them (even socially), their conversations usually turn to eternal things. From their perspective, the most important thing in life is seeing people come to know the Lord as their Savior.


The Christian blessed with the gift of evangelism has a God given ability to share the Gospel with unbelievers in such a way that people come to know Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Many Body members seem to believe they have this gift because of their excitement of leading people to the Lord. This is another misunderstood gift. All believers are given the desire to see others come to know the Lord. The Holy Spirit desires
all men to come unto Jesus for Salvation. Surveys have determined that about 10% of the Body of Christ actually has this gift; although, there is a far greater percentage who believe they have the gift.

Evangelism is a very important part of church growth. This is why so many Body members put such an emphasis on evangelism. Many members believe that discipleship cannot start unless the person is saved. This is not true. Evangelism is a part of the discipleship process. Most Christians believe the “Great Commission” is going into the world to get people saved; this is not the great call.  

Some Possible Examples:
- Philip, Acts 21:8
- Timothy is told to do the work of an evangelist, 2 Timothy 4:5

When an evangelist is walking after the flesh, he or she is known for being judgmental. They become hyperactive, too talkative, poor listeners, pushy, insensitive, and give off an attitude that what they are doing is the only thing that matters.

They typically don't have much time for the exhorters. Exhorters take the time to grow people up on the Lord. Exhorters also do the follow-up work on the salvations that come from the evangelist. Evangelists are normally irresponsible with follow-up. The ongoing day-to-day growth of the believer is not something they want to involve themselves with. It is too “messy” for them.

Place of Service:
1. Street witnessing
2. Door-to-door ministry
3. Visitation
4. Missions
5. Evangelism training classes
6. Backyard Bible clubs
7. Altar call counselor
8. Preaching
9. Inner city outreach

People who are apathetic, indecisive, lazy, and “all talk and no action” agitate them. Since they are able to talk to strangers anywhere, anytime, they think others should be able to do the same. Therefore, they become impatient with those who are shy and not socially active (Luke 24:45). 


Those with this gift love one-on-one ministry. They seek out those who are in need. They are drawn to hurting people. They enjoy hearing and seeing hurting people receive comfort. The love and compassion they give to others is very practical. Kindness and tenderness flow from them like raindrops from heaven on a rainy day. The mercy person takes the exhorter’s words of love and turns them into deeds of love.

The mercy person is compelled to rid people of their pain. They are far more interested and concerned with the person than the reason for their suffering, which is why a mercy person is not good at confronting others. The mercy person is the one you send in to do the cleanup after a prophet or exhorter has confronted someone. The mercy person needs special counsel and training to work with members of the Body who have strong gifting, such as prophets and exhorter. If mercy is not working and submitting to others gifts, mercy will attempt to bail the one being confronted and being disciplined by the Lord. The person with this gift needs special prayer and training to stay in tune with the other gifts of the Spirit. They have the ability to put a monkey wrench into the works. Someone being confronted is quick to look for the mercy person, sometimes for the wrong reasons.
The gift of mercy is a supernatural ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to experience true empathy and compassion for individuals, both in the Christian world and in the non-Christian world.

This gift is used not only for people who suffer from distressing physical and psychological problems, but with people in general. The mercy person notices the relational and emotional issues related to what the person is going through. There doesn’t have to be a problem at hand. This person will major on the compassion and love expressed by Christ.

Some possible examples:
- Onesiphorus visited and refreshed Paul in prison, 2 Timothy 1:16-17
- Jesus healed the blind and sick
- Jesus died on the Cross for us
- Believers sold property to care for the poor, Acts 2:44-45
- Tabitha (Dorcas) helped the poor, Acts 9:36

Mercy people do not want others to suffer; therefore, if walking after the flesh, they will have the tendency to help the hurting person escape the consequences of sin. They also have the liability to be overcommitted and overly involved in people’s problems. This sets them up for being gossips. They give themselves permission to speak too openly about trusted issues. Asking for prayer can become gossip sessions.

Mercy people can have problems with sleeping at night. They lay in bed thinking and caring for those who are hurting. If walking after the flesh, they will carry the burden for those who are hurting instead of giving it directly to the Lord. Of course, this will rob them of their joy and peace. A person robbed of his joy is robbed of his strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Other liabilities are: struggling with feeling subservient, insecurity, fearful, embarrassed, bailing when confronted, and being embittered at people with strong gifting, such as prophets and exhorters. People who are pushy, loud, confrontive, inflexible, unfair, and proud offend them.

Place of Service:
1. Hospital visitation
2. Visiting the elderly
3. Follow-up calls after church confrontations
4. Homeless ministry
5. Outreach to the physically and mentally challenged
6. Widow ministry

The mercy person needs to become strong, courageous, challenging, aggressive, assertive, confrontational, and supportive of those who have strong gifting.  

Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.