#03 - Heavenly Father - Trinity of the "Us"

By Dr. Stephen Phinney

“Then God said, ‘Let Us (God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth’ ” (Genesis 1:26, parentheses added).

Covenant Prayer

Dear Father, I pray this day that You would unfold your Truth to me, as I learn to discover more of who You are in and around my life. I choose to reject all the lies and false accusations the enemy brings my way, as I seek to discover more of who You are. May your rich blessings be poured upon my mind, will, and emotions as I open myself up to You. I pray that you would protect my loved ones while I am doing this series and stepping out to bring practical application to what I learn. These things I pray in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Read the following verses:
  1. Genesis 1:26
  2. Genesis 3:22 
  3. Genesis 11:7
  4. Isaiah 62:11
  5. Matthew 12:32
  6. John 5:1
  7. 2 John 1:3  
  • What does Genesis 3:22 have to say about you becoming like the Us – the Trinity?
  • From your point of view, why was God so concerned about Adam and Eve taking from the Tree of Life? 
  • Which one of these verses blessed you the most? 
The Father’s View

The original family did not start with Adam and Eve. The first family was established in heaven – God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and the Father’s angels. The angels were organized into three primary arenas: Lucifer (in charge of worship); Michael (in charge of warfare); and Gabriel (in charge of delivering the messages of the Father). 

The first family unit provided the Father with His central relationships, nurture, and support. God gave us an earthly model to live by through the order and preexisting relationships He had/has in heaven. His creation was based upon an order and flow that He was most familiar with – His own.

According to Hebrew studies, family is based upon several factors: a place of residence, a tribe, descendants, property, dependency on a father, authority, and of course, the firstborn son getting married. 

God, the Father, holds His residence in heaven; His tribe is the children of God and His angels. His descendants were created through Adam and spiritually through His Son’s marriage to the Bride of Christ, the Church. God’s property is heaven and the earth that He created is His footstool. He created man to be completely dependent on Him as his Father, which gave Him authority over everything. This makes up the perfect plan for the development of God’s family unit – His tribe. 

Many modern views of “family” completely rape the world of the true reason and purpose of a godly family. Because of mankind’s sin, we have made serious modifications to the original design. The design of heaven is not restrictive, but freeing and perfect. God has never modified His view of family here on earth. If He did so, it would be giving in to the plan and plot Satan has to take over the order of heaven. Satan was removed from heaven because God wouldn’t adjust His order to accommodate the views of a follower. We will spend more time talking about this in later lessons, but know that mankind’s guilt and disorder does not tempt God to change the order of the FIRST family.  

  • In your view, why would it be so critical for Satan to attempt to destroy the order of the FIRST Family? 
The view the world has adopted of family is a result of sin – being independent of God. God, the Father, has established a system of family through His divine order, birthed in His kingdom. The pain and bitterness caused by a father or mother gives no one right to attack or attempt to change the order of family life here on earth. By attempting to do so, one would be joining the original plan of Satan!  

Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.  

Next time: Satan Attempts to Steal the Role of the Father