This series will directly benefit those who care about the world of finances - personally, professionally and politically. In my studies and research with the two books I am writing, Book of Revelation, the Final Frontier and Permissible Suffocation, I am discovering many correlations between money, the end-times and personal suffering. I hope you will enjoy my entries.
God has given us many of warnings in the Scriptures about being good Stewards of what God in trusted to us. Years ago when I was in debt, God gave me this message for my journal:
What is a Steward? A steward is a simple messenger responding to a call to come to the Masters house to pick up a package for delivery. The messenger is to take the package, and with care, protection and diligence, and complete the mission given. The package does not belong to the messenger. It belongs to the Master. What is in the package is not as important as caring for the package and with all diligence completing the mission with excellence. It is none of your business to know the Masters motives, what is in the package, details of the person you are giving it to, but – simply delivering the package in the same condition that it was given to you. It is only a thief that will take from a package that does not belong to him. Stephen, this is why the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. He wants all My packages to arrive empty and destroyed. If I truly own everything, it means he will attempt to destroy everything I give you to steward.
Do you see My son…being a good steward of what I give you does not have anything to do with being perfect with what I give you. It has everything to do with the mission I have placed behind the gift itself.
God has to simplify His Word for my frail and weak mind. This illustration was simple, to the point and it worked, two years later I was completely out of debt.
There is a passage in I Kings that will become the foundation of our series. A few weeks into our writing project, you will come to see why.
"If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word." (I Kings 18:21)
Elijah proposed a test to his opportunists. Two altars would be built. The prophets of Baal would call on their god, and Elijah would call on his God. Whichever one answered by fire would be the one whom they would serve. I think you already know who won! If not review I Kings 18:17-41.
In every generation God's supernatural power will be tested against the abilities of man, the Antichrist and their ability to fix the fix God has fixed on them. One of, if not the most, test that God puts into our lives is that of our personal finances. Stewardship communicates character - or lack of it. What we do with what God has entrusted to us will affect our eternal weight of glory. God challenges each of us to:
"... prove me now with tithes and offerings, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it" (Malachi 3:10).
God is looking for men and women who will listen to His Words, obey them, be willing to live out His financial principles and demonstrate to a skeptical, unbelieving in debt world that He lives and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. (See Hebrews 11:6)
So many Christians today spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn how to be ministers of the gospel but continue to mount massive debt. Only 6% of our church goers are 100% debt free. Men of honorable Scriptural convictions will not only influence history, but will raise a new foundation of Godly believers that will communicate the real Gospel of Truth.
In order for you to enjoy this series, you will need to embrace the following:
- God alone is sovereign, and the Word of God (Christian Bible) is His Divine and inspired Word and the final authority guide for my life.
- My purpose in life is to seek God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit with my whole mind, will and emotions and to build my life's objectives around His priorities.
- My body is the living temple of God and must not be defiled by any lusts, doctrinal falsehoods and idols.
- I must attend a church that teaches the foundational Truths of the Word of God as His absolute Words to His children.
- My life, wife, children and grandchildren belong to the Lord and they are the vessel in which God delivers His Truth to the NEXT generation.
- My daily activities and thoughts must never weaken the Scriptural convictions of my brother and sisters in Christ.
- My marriage, or plan thereof, is a life-long commitment to God and to my spouse. I agree to only accept the Truth that one man + one woman = One Flesh.
- My personal, professional and political finances is a trust from God and must be earned and stewarded according to the Divine Scriptures.
- My words must be in complete in perfect harmony with the Word of God as I teach, preach and live out the indwelt Christian life.
- My mind and body's affections must be set on the things above in Heaven, not on the thins in or on the earth.
every American will need to be taxed a minimum of 50% of every dollar earned in order to pay this debt. By all given signs, America will NEVER be able to be debt free. That means; if there is ever a global leader who calls in national debts - America will the first name called. What will happen to these nations? If we believe what the Bible says, the one who is in debt will become enslaved to the master financier. I will explain more in later entries but for now, America and its church attendees is in deep trouble.
"But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and he seized him and began to choke him, saying, 'Pay back what you owe." (Matt. 18:28)
"Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law." (Rom. 13:8)
Resources: Heritage Foundation, IOM America, Institue of Basic Youth Conflict, White House Office of Management, Focus on the Family & the Holy Bible (KJ & NASB).